
Showing posts from August, 2024

Book 42: “Friday the 13th Part 3” by Simon Hawke

  Friday the 13th Part 3 Simon Hawke   Released: May 3rd, 1988 My 12th book for 2024 was Simon Hawke's “Friday the 13th Part 3” novelization. I was given the opportunity to read this by a fellow fan Aaron.  Special shout-out to him for helping me obtain the text to read the novel. This is a special adaptation as it is the only story of the Friday the 13th movies to be adapted twice.  The first one, " Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D "  was adapted in 1982 by Michael Avallone.  This 2nd version was adapted in 1988 and released in subsequent order with Hawke's 2 prior novels based on Parts 1 & 2. Part 3 was the last of the original Friday the 13th movies I saw when I first started watching them in 2003/2004.  It has long since been one of my favorites.  It has a very unique style that makes it stand out from the other films.  And that's before taking into account the film was shot in 3D to capitalize on the craze going on in the early 1980's. Something about this

Book #41: “My Girl” by Patricia Hermes

  My Girl Patricia Hermes   Released: January 1st, 1992 My 11th book for 2024 was Patricia Hermes’ “My Girl” novelization. I found this at the local Wonderbook the other day.  My sister had this movie growing up.  I've seen bits and pieces of it, but never sat down and fully watched the entire thing.  I remember goofy things such as the bingo hall, and something towards the end with bees that made my sister cry.  After reading the novel, it all makes sense.  I'm a huge Macaulay Culkin fan, so I'll have to check it out. There are themes of death sprinkled in throughout the book.  Vada has to endure life without her mother.  Her dad runs an in-home funeral parlor.  She and her best friend Thomas muse about things such as Heaven and things beyond life.  It's an interesting perspective on how kids feel when dealing with such things as they do not fully understand the trauma of loss the way an adult does.  In some ways, even adults struggle to cope with it as well. The story

Book #40: “Friday The 13th Part II” by Simon Hawke

  Friday The 13th Part II Simon Hawke   Released: February 2nd, 1988 My 10th book for 2024 was Simon Hawke’s “Friday the 13th Part II” novelization. I have been waiting for over 20 years to read this book.  Read that again.  Twenty.  Years.  Two decades. I'm 35 currently.  20/35 means I have been searching for this book 57.14% of my entire life. I have checked every used bookstore I have walked into from Maryland, to Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, Louisiana, Florida, California, Virginia, Oregon, Washington...flea markets, yard sales, estate sales, antique shops, the Mi le-Long Yard Sale, Powell's Books, Wonderbook & Video, Half-Price Books, Wee-Scot Book Shop, Borders, Waldenbooks, Books-A-Million, Barnes & Noble...the lis t goes on and on.  I have come to the conclusion that this is an extremely rare book to come by.  You would think a paperback book from 1988 would not be that difficult to find. has a seller listing this book.  Just for sheer amus